Please put both Avis back in the story/task boxes!

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Hocus_Pocus, Nov 9, 2020.

  1. I love the new set up with the excuricular and the phone for the tasks, but dislike not getting both male and female Avis. Please give us both Avis in the box again. I don't mind getting the male Avis sometimes but get male Avis more then female...they are cool and I use them but we should all get both like it used to be. Thank you.
    Hocus Pocus👩
    Alatus, siccbihh, Amariya11 and 4 others like this.
  2. This is to prevent people like you from 🐱 fishing.
  3. Agree, only got male avis until they did this
  4. Nobody moved.
  5. I don't usually wear both avatars, but only giving one now is just ata removing features and making the game more lame than it already was, so support