I used to get shakes like one time I started talking to a girl trying to ask her out and I started shaking and just pointed to the movies in the mall and she said yes so that was cool
I'm experienced now I'm no swagger but I'm pretty close you just have to get out there a lot more you know it gets rid of that shyness
Aww quick I thought guys only did that in films...that's so sweet N I asked my lad out...I was sooo scared...I thought he was way outta my leagueNearly 6 years later were living together, have a 4 year old daughter n I'm pregnant again...just take a deep breath n go for it...just let him see the awesome you with confidence n who knows Good luck Hun xx
Exactly, but even if he says no, at least you tried. The worst thing you can ever do is never try, and then when it's too late you found out they liked you too.
thanks daniez I'm the romantic type even though I'm 15 I always take girls for dinner and a movie on first date us dream boys r out here ohh and yes I do have a six pack
thanks daniez I'm the romantic type even though I'm 15 I always take girls for dinner and a movie on first date us dream boys r out here ohh and yes I do have a six pack
Aww ur gonna b a right catch for some lucky lass keep asking those girls out n treat them right n u can't go wrong my lad was 16 when we met...I was 19 now he's only 22 n going bald..n blames me mwahaha lol...I'd never swap him tho he even plays pimd
Yep says I'm driving him to early baldness my dad says I've made him turn grey I appear to have an ageing effect on people I guess that's what gives me my youthful looks