Players Want iWars Brought Back

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -_A_-Legwarmers, Jan 8, 2016.

  1. +10 supprots
  2. Yeah bring it backs, +100000 supports
  3. I mean.... doesnt look like you participated much in them tbh
  4. Id have to say support, I’ve been here for a year and heard all about the old stuff. I think it would be interesting if everyone got that chance to try it. I personally enjoy pvp, I don’t know if it’s anything like that or. ?
  5. Wow. Iz old
  6. No support 
  7. For the supporter i bet you have posted same post more than 3 times here :lol:
  8. support 100% ️
  10. Still to this day support.
  11. Support

    However I remember pimd doing a poll and vast majority voted parties over wars, but they should still respect the wishes of the players that have been here since warring days.