Players Want iWars Brought Back

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -_A_-Legwarmers, Jan 8, 2016.

  1. Flocci, you seem hell bent on derailing this attempt at what op perceives as improving the game. I might add many others have also felt it would be an improvement. But if ATA don't do it, such is life, we all move on. Maybe your clique can as well. Good luck with your wars that you're planning :)
  2. Support c:
  3. Support 11/10
  4. Almost 80 pages since January 7th.

    ATA: "We do not have enough support for us to bring back the wars, but here enjoy a free DNS, Goodluck next time :)"
  5. Support
  7. Support!! Miss the days when the only way to earn money was PvP and volleying new players, club loyalty and organisation were at its best back then.
  8. Support for the 4th time
  9. Support, I loved doing the beta wars. 
  10. Hi. There is a war going on right now. Where are the 300+ supporters right now? ..... oh right. THEY'RE HITTING CC HAHAHAHAHAHAH