Players Want iWars Brought Back

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -_A_-Legwarmers, Jan 8, 2016.

  1. Bring back wars
  2. Good point, Art. I didn't see many of these supporters join any of the last wars I was in. I even joined one where I wasn't very active in cc but managed to hit targets. None were matched wars, but they were still fun. Instead of sitting idly by with your supports, how about y'all actually support wars by joining them?
  3. Whilst your point is fair it's misguided, this thread is about ATA implemented wars in which the system matches rosters etc. I really don't understand the confusion here.
  4. Julie you're on the wrong thread... I don't know if you remember but you made the thread about the war tournaments.. I know it's hard sometimes I click on the wrong thread every now and than.
  5. ^ 
  6. Support!!!! Huge support!!! No point in these pretty stats items without wars 
  7. I don't see how it is misguided, at all. The iWars were disbanded due to lack of participation, and most of these almost 700 supports don't participate in wars, period. If you don't war now, why would you war later? It takes time to match up rosters, but it's possible. Do mockup iWars, if you see fit and that will make you happiest, but I wouldn't hold my breath on ATA bringing iWars back. At least not for more than short periods, like Orange Wars.
  8. Art... The topic is basically about ppl supporting or not supporting. It isn't about your observations of ppls activities on the game. And as i pointed out it's about system organised wars not player organised wars such as BOS as an example. You are right ppl can organise a war at anytime but that's not what this thread is about. Feel free to make a thread about that topic if you want.
  9. Agreed. I understand iwars and wars are different. However, how can we expect ATA to listen to a thread of support when in actuality there is little? Maybe the devs should bring them back for a short amount of time as a "trial" to see how participation goes. If participation is high, keep them. If participation is low, don't. Seems like a fair way to judge how much actual support there is.
  10. The op has a bit more than asking for support. Op explains why people should support, Art is explaining why she doesn't support. Calm down foot. Forums is a place for opinions
  11. I don't see how discussing the topic in a broader view suddenly makes my comment off-topic enough for it's own thread. Seeing as plenty of people have brought up their own opinions on the matter as well:
    I.e. iWars should be brought back, because...
    I.e. iWars should not be brought back, because...
    In any case, if saying "support" or "no support" will suddenly classify this post as being on-topic, then:
    No Support.
  12. Flocci I'm just pointing out the flaws in her posts, the biggest flaw being that this thread is about system organised wars and not player organised ones. I'm saying she can make similar posts in another thread that argues the points she's making. Now please let's all keep the thread on topic.
  13. That would be cool and a good way.
  14. I SUPPORT THIS 100%
  15. Then sign up for the WW tournament in active forums, but this thread is specifically about iwars. But seriously, sign up.