Players Want iWars Brought Back

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -_A_-Legwarmers, Jan 8, 2016.

  1. 

  2. Agree ^
  3. This thread need a bump.

    I don't go war so often, but iwar is fun
    Maybe party people don't go to war because they keep too much money. I Hope ATA make a new system of iwar like people don't lose money when they get hit, so party people will also enjoying the war. Just my opinion
  4. Lol, your nooby thinking is part of what I can't stand on Pimd now..
    I've had friends that hide trillions for sw, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to hide cash for a war :?
  5. Anyways... :?
    I'll likely never do a system war with this account again, but I do recall my smaller alts enjoyed Betas..
    It would be nice to see them back,
    Although at this point I've grown into quite the cynic with ATA and forum ideas..
    Good luck nonetheless ️
  6. Supprott..?

    Ouch Support.. ?
  7. Well, it just my opinion though. Pimd has changed & most people do party than war, and some people have their money out. Party people will find it difficult to hide their money, eventhough you know some players willing to hide their money on sw. But my opinion is about new system on iWar only, not all wars. This game meant to be fun for all players right?
  8. They'll start wars, then at the same moment start promos. Then claim that they're not popular enough..
  9. Support this idea!
  10. The irony!
  11. But seriously! It's not that hard! Even newcomers have made it, can't be that hard! and when everything else fails (like tuts getting hired back/away, etc.), you'll always have the bank, pots, pimd bank and phoney money.
  12. That was a fun war! I wish I'd go there before, but I enjoyed every second I could war!