Player Appreciation Week

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd, Sep 15, 2014.

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  1. Wtf I expected more then a freaking dn for last door…… 
  2. To be honest I thought something different
  3. ok im sure no one saw that coming :mrgreen:
  4. OMG..1 dn...thanks!!!! I just came in my pants! Such generosity on the last day.
  5. lol now old fart home will finally finish their strike :D
  6. Wow one doctors note. Really? Don't seem like you really appreciate us.
  7. thank u alot :D ill use it on cat party for more plunder :D
  8. Thanks ata for a gd week of promotions
  9. We spend more than hundreds to show we appreciate you guys and in return we get gifts that cost more than 50 ecs each, we get avatars with crap stats that we also have to buy, oh wait don't let me forget that we get one free dn.  All I see is you guys trying to make more money this whole past week.
  10. I agree with above post this week was not what I expected. Every single day was just another money grab by Ata, and its really sad. You do a player appreciation week and ask us to spend even more money. FOR ONCE CAN WE GO BACK TO WHERE ITS NOT ALL ABOUT YOU MAKING MONEY.
  11. Then there is the drops from cc and ppa i didnt see a one and did like 20parties what the drop rate .0000000001%.
  12. Drop rates are never fair. 
  13. Stop complaining. Drop rates were random. I got 2 cats. Be jealous, whiners
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