That is... so typical and quite comical that they would be so late for customer appreciation... telling.. so telling..LoL
Seriously.. You all are so impatient.. Look at each thread that ata has made for this week. Then, look at the time they posted it where you are. Next, move your eyes to where the time is on your screen, if your patient enough to take a second of your time away, and notice that ata has not posted 1 thread for this week at 12pm pdt. Notice, some were at 8 pm est, others were at 4-5pm est, and 1 was at 2pm est. So, shut up already and wait. It's going to come and they aren't late at all. Hope you were patient enough to read all this and realize
Now, take some time, if you are mentally able to.. , and notice the time at the top of the ss, and the times that ata has posted their threads for opening doors. It ranges all over so just shut up about it. They will do it so don't scream at em.