Player Appreciation Week

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd, Sep 15, 2014.

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  1. 1/2 price avatar would be a quick cash spin
  2. G,piggie must of made a buck or two aswell
  3. Maybe more dorm rooms
  4. I bet its either a forum search button, or customizable stats. So were able to switch stats with whatever character we already have
  5. Maybe T7

  6. Maybeits a cookie
  7. ?Pimd, will you be bringing back 2x PvP payout again soon?
  8. T7 to early to come it might be new group of parties or new way for deleting people would be nice
  9.  Or may T7 lvl 4 W/ a total of 40 Dorms 
  10. Adding more dorm rooms would be cool, but also a mass gift sending button is much needed. Takes forever to gift someone 10 of whatever they need.
  11. Lol your right where's the gift spam botton at
  12. Knock Knock Open the door ?
  13. <3 Thanks wifey
  14. Wow i almost thought it was to appreciate pimd players of course not though... Ata's become so money hungry
  15. Pretty disappointed with todays door, I'd been looking forward to it all day aswell, oh well, there is still tomorrow to look forward to I guess :)
  16. Remember hire everyone has been asking and asking for t6 guys as avatars?! Well your wish had come true! Maybe we should ask for sending of multiple gifts at once or ec's or.. what I want.. am item you can buy from the store to give you a chance of swiping a targeted item from a player you battle.. and a pro scav that you can complete that reducing your regen time.
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