EVENT Pirate Practice

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Apr 21, 2020.

  1. You no longer get the vip first (unless you open a lot of boxes) but unfortunately there are MORE avi boxes:
  2. sure another pirate hunt...
  3. No we didn't 🙆🏼‍♀️
    Gossamer, Atlas, Day and 1 other person like this.
  4. Everyone is acting like the recently did a pirate hunt. The last one was in 2017. 3yrs ago. Calm down folks jeez 🙄
  5. Imma say this right now, this hunt is really good. Really really good. 👍🏽
    Harpia, Atlas, Jinger and 1 other person like this.
  6. Neat way to introduce some extra pvp action on the side and reward people for it. I like it.
  7. Yall on some bull lol I could think of hunts older than the pirate that would be

    🙄 Imma give you a medal Dawg, I could think of hunts older than the pirate bs I'd have rather seen them remake 🤷‍♂️ they've also had so many suggested Hunt themes that it's kinda brain dead for them to do a Pete repeat on a Hunt that was already decent
  8. Who ever did the avi in the shop for this hunt all I can say is not great. That is putting it nicely. 🤮
  9. So I placed 1st in the last hour Dance Off on the High Seas XC and it appears I got the 65 Juan's Bootleg Peace, but not the 15 Flags. 🤔 Not sure if I recieved the PIMDbanks (1000) or the Fite Bar (1) either since I'm not sure how many I had of those before trying to collect the reward. I also didn't recieve the notification that I received the reward. I sent in a help ticket, so hopefully I'm still able to recieve the rewards. I also tried restarting the app multiple times to see if it had just glitched.
  10. Why something as petty as not including a stat item in the 2nd tier of the 1st party side quest? That feels so random. Who made that decision? “Yes let’s not put a 250kcs item at the 450 galleon task, oh a reason? Don’t have one, just cuz”
    iHanzo, Ritch, Gossamer and 5 others like this.
  11. They also did the same for the second tier of the PvP story. Not sure why.
    iHanzo, Gossamer and iEllie like this.
  12. what kind of bullshit is this? these changes are getting worse every hunt
    iHanzo, DripDrop, Meanie and 4 others like this.
  13. Possible mistake?

    Or perhaps an attempt to balance things since there’s more options to win rewards with the PvP XC?
  14. They technically changed a part of it in agreement to what players asked for, but it definitely wasn’t executed that well.
    Gossamer, Hera and Muschi like this.
  15. This is something one should consider when creating their build though. When it comes to pvp intel is at a disadvantage. So it makes sense that it’s still the case during a pvp Hunt. I guess the moral to this story is don’t have an intel build lol
  16. Imagine remaking an event and it still looks like party city props at a kid's 5th birthday party.
    Sam likes this.
  17. #JusticeForJohnnyDepp
    Snitcherry, Atlas, Twink and 2 others like this.
  18. That isn't very nice at all, lady. Stop being so judgemental.
  19. Message a.t.a in a help ticket about missed drops. It may be a bug. Posting in forums won't help. You have to dm them
    Muschi likes this.