Is that why, on campus, I said "FOLLOW PIMD ON INSTAGRAM" and I got silenced? Bet you feel stupid now dont you.
No coz the mods silenced you. Not pimd... take it up with them... maybe the mods don't understand why the 3rd party apps are silencable... you shouldn't have been silenced for that but if you said something else or were maybe hoping to get something from it? I dunno... id be contacting ata...
So in theory if I make a YouTube video of this crappy ass game I'm allowed to promote my YouTube channel cause I have a crappy ass video about this crappy ass game?
No coz your driving away potential customers. They are running a business... you guys aren't... not gonna bother trying to explain to those who just don't get it. We are playing THEIR game. THEY promote THEIR business how THEY see fit. :roll:
Pimd are driving away potential customers by allowing game ads for other games in their constant quest for money. Instagram is not a competing app. It hasn't got the risk of taking the market from pimd's client base, they'd use it with Pimd, not instead of. Does that make sense to a simple person?
Lol!!! ladies ladies, put your pitchforks and torches away, ya might break your nails yo! Instead go out and buy some panties because it seems some of you need then
How am I driving away potential customers if I made a video of this crappy ass game? Your theory is flawed. Everyone and their mother goes on YouTube. If pimd loses customers or potential customers it's their own fault. They can't even control this app, let alone the mods can barely do a decent job. One of the most sent email from ata is, and I quote, "We will look into the matter. We can't tell you what will happen to them but we will look into it." If I had a dollar for every time that message has been sent I'd be pretty fucking rich. you know how many accounts should be banned right now but arent? Ata was "really looking into the problem" huh? Too be honest it's quite sad the Meego is more mature than this app and it's an app made for kids 9 and up.
No support. It's hilarious how many people who don't care about this game have an opinion. Myself included
And "go to forums and ask for support" hahahaha ----something like that! LOL! Massive gifting has a lot of supports!!! But hey ATA did you do anything bout it? Lol!
That's coz if there was mass gifting would mean less time on here. I can see why they don't do certain things... it annoys the crap outta me sending 1 at a time when the Max is 200 especially to someone in a different timezone! but also see it from their perspective... but I too support the mass gifting even if its just Max 10 at a time (since this is all you can receive before the notice comes up) but yeah please pimd coz you lessthan three us please look into doing Max 10 gifts... some of us would love you long time :lol: jk jk but you'd make a lorlt of people happy