So here's my diet plan Breakfast (EITHER ONE) A. Fruits (2 Apples, or one small bowl of papaya, or 4 large slices of pineapple) B. Oatmeal (either the regular or the Masala flavored) C. Cornflakes D. 2 egg whites (either omelette or boiled) Lunch (EITHER ONE) A. Bread sandwich (lots of vegetables and less cheese / if meat use fresh cut meat from butcher and avoid frozen ones) B. 2slices of garlic bread and Greek salad – 1 bowl C. 1/2lb Barbeque (with meat of your choice) with any salad(1 bowl) Dinner (EITHER ONE) A. 1 bowl soup B. 2 scoops ice cream
It doesn't matter where the calories come from, so long as you're not consuming more than your calories out. I could eat 1500 calories worth of fries and be sedentary, every day, and not gain any weight. Though I wouldn't lose it either... if that's the goal, then you need less than what your body uses to function so it burns what it's storing. You probably wouldn't feel the greatest, might poop a lot, and retain fluid, and you'd probably need a multivitamin, but you could do it. I don't encourage it as a lifestyle, obvs. But if you want fries one day, have fries, you want the pizza, have pizza. Just make smarter choices to make up for it, like a brisk walk, no soda, or a healthier dinner for the day! Everything in moderation. ?
but 1500 calories of nutritious food is wayyyy more different than 1500 calories of greasy unhealthy foods
You might not gain any weight but you would definitely be fatter. Proper body structure is obtained from a healthy diet. Eating mostly junk food would make you skinny-fat (high body fat percentage which is worse than high bmi)