CONTEST PIMD's Got Talent 2019!

Discussion in 'Contests' started by ATAMarceline, Sep 4, 2019.

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  1. You gotta upload it to imgur, google drive won't work 🤧
  2. This is beautiful
  3. Does sarcasm count as a talent?
    Kaz_ and SweetJuvia like this.
  5. <blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/s75l7kP"><a href="//"></a></blockquote><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

    Art is and always will be my talent. 💝
  6. Does singing and being able to speak Chinese count?
  7. Kaz_, mossbosseller, Mai_Dr22 and 3 others like this.
  8. Imgur didn't work for me. 😵
  9. Try posting it into the picture by the emoji
  10. My artwork didn’t submit so here’s me trying again!!
  11. How I upload my photo
  12. This of mine entry was inspired by another video i had watched and i made my own version of it for my loving bf Dusk, sadly i can't add up the audio of it as i cant recover my recorded voice clip, hope u like it.. (wish it will post)
    -Caseyy likes this.
  13. Lol what happen to this entry of mine switched
  14. Can a drama queen that likes to StripFW be counted as talent? Coz we definitely got a ton in PIMD
    Dawn2824 likes this.
  15. Sadly the end video is cut off😭 can someone teach me how? I have my ign on last part
  16. Add the video to YouTube and post the link here
  17. Oohhh will try that for my 3rd attempt
  18. Roses are black,
    Violets are black,
    My heart is black,
    My soul is black,
    Everything is black,
    Quack quack,
    Anger, screams, pains,
    A pony died in forest,
    I shed no tears.
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