CONTEST PIMD's Got Talent 2019!

Discussion in 'Contests' started by ATAMarceline, Sep 4, 2019.

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  1. How to subscribe a writing work?

  2. My talent is mediocre video editing. Can’t exactly put my PIMD name on already existing videos so I stuck it in the about section of the channel. 👌🏻
  4. I’m also one of the few gymnasts to compete and land a 1 and 1/2 on vault! I still compete it to this day but recently I tore my acl doing it that’s how hard it is 😭
  5. My talent is singing, which you can see here

    Hoping the link works 😅
    Xxi_AmHerBeastxX and Panda like this.
  6. L
  7. Will a voice recording accepted??
  8. Lmfaoooooo like wise 🌚
    bb likes this.
  10. [​IMG]

    I do SFX makeup! Love playing around this time of year with new looks and new techniques! 💞
  11. how do i post an image?
  12. i am emo af that i cant access my old youtube account anymore so i cant add my ign in atleast the description if i get disqualified i will cri because this is my most embarassing vid ever LMFAO and i posted publically :")
  13. Way to go Syn!!!!
  14. Imo learn saturation next time the piece will standout than doing solid black. I kinda noticed that the line work weren't that clean (e.g. the small star below and the triangle that enclosed the skull ) either some part were shaded too much or less. But, overall it's a dope piece, mate. Good job and good luck!

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