CONTEST PIMD's Got Talent 2019!

Discussion in 'Contests' started by ATAMarceline, Sep 4, 2019.

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  1. Well I hope Everyone does well ! Good luck ! 💞☺️
  2. [​IMG] Hi, my talent is sketching, making garments and painting. I am not able to attach the images here, I have no idea why. My illustrations have my name signed with pen, the name signed is Hiranyamayee. You can my work on[​IMG]
  3. Maybe this will help?
    GodTierOni likes this.
  4. Um, I do a couple things that could be considered ‘talents’ I guess haha. I can’t really show any proof of the first one, but I’m a speed-reader :) Yesterday I finished an entire 320 paged book in a couple hours. But uh, I also draw some, usually illusions or characters. Or I write a lot :) but that’s about it I think besides being an empath which isn’t necessarily talent.

    Budots likes this.
  5. So fake
  6. That's me how can you say it's fake? Have a proof?
  7. @Baerrito Anyways here is my Facebook add me Zachary Tesalona and I can sing in front of your face.
  8. I definitely need to make a better picture tommorow.. but before pimd took over my life I painted a lot. Even tho it failed a bit in some area's. This is my favorite I painted.

    Painting by Knockoutkami
    Budots, OWEMJI, Elmir2 and 1 other person like this.
  9. Dayum!
  10. I made a video showcasing some art I've done!

    Melanina likes this.
  11. Broken my promise here is another upload

    Gagamb0y and AfterTheParty like this.
  12. Not the best I just don't want some issue 👀 haha ghad

    Gagamb0y likes this.
  13. [​IMG]
    OWEMJI, Melanina, Sev and 11 others like this.
  14. THIS IS AN ORIGINAL POEM I WROTE : I Know It’s Typed Ugly But I Was Going Through A Phase Where I Thought It Was Cute LOl , It Doesn’t Have A Title So Maybe Y’all Could Come Up With One If You Like .
    - iF iDied Today , Would You Say iHad A Beautiful Soul ?. A Heart Of Gold ?. Would You Remember Me For The Laughs ?. Or Just The Bad Times We Had ?. Would You Say iWas A Leader ; Or Just A Follower With A Troubled Past ?. Would You Say Things We're Perfect , Or That Things Moved Way Too Fast ?. Would You Tell Them Of My Mindset & All The Things That iHave Learned , Or Will You Speak On How Much iChanged ?. ; All The Bridges That iBurned . Would You Say That You Would Miss Me , Apologize To The Queen Who Never Got Her Crown ?. Or Would You Speak Of Me Lightly , The Face That Never Saw A Frown ?. Would You Speak Of The Mistakes iMade , Or Of What iWas Accomplishing ? . Would You Tell Of My Shames & My Flaws Or Of The Pain That iCaused ; The Mental Strain Of These Walls , When iNside Myself , iFeel So iNvisible . Does Anybody See Me ?. Will iJust Be A Faint Memory ?. Just Another Someone Pushed To The Back Of Their Minds , Or Will iLeave A Lasting iMpression , Making Progression , Am i ?. Or Will iBe Stuck Here Not Knowing , Not Showing That iAm Lost . But Willing To Pay The Cost Of Love And Affection , Thats Hurt & Rejection . iTs All A Misconception ; Thats Not Me . iSwear iWas Blind ; Couldnt See . That Girl They Speak Of iSnt Me . & See iAm Much Different Than She . My iNtentions Were Good From The Start ; Got Nothing But Love iN My Heart For You , iSwear iT . Causing You Pain Or Strain ; iCouldnt Bear iT . Heart On My Sleeve Cuz Thats Just Where iWear iT . But iM Still Human , So Yeah You Can Tear iT . iHave Feelings You Know , Sometimes They Dont Show But Theyre There ; Trust Me . iJust Wanted Some Peace , iThink iM Goin Crazy ; Yeah , iMust Be . Cuz iDone Let What You Want Me To Be , Come On iN & Abduct Me . iAsked You Not To Play God & Judge Me , & Yet You Continue To Express What You Think Of Me ; Not Caring Weather Or Not iT Breaks Me . Not Caring How Long iT Takes Me To Heal . Wonder Why iVe Built This Shield ?. To Keep Out The Hurt , The Hurt Caused By Others .
    Same Ones Created To Be Sisters And Brothers .
    Same Pain That Victimized Our Fathers And Mothers . Determined To Break The Cycle ?. iM Strong Enough . You Thought You Knew Me ?.
    I Call Your Bluff .
    Rizky and AfterTheParty like this.
  15. This is adorable I love it
    bugpudding likes this.
  16. bugpudding likes this.
  17. Cute hun hope ya win you got my vote 1,000,000,000%
    bugpudding likes this.
  18. So cool!
    bugpudding likes this.
  19. My vote too
  20. This is an original poem/poetic piece
    I made. If you know anyone suffering from mental health disorders, please help him/her. Thanks for reading my piece, hope you like it! Good luck to everyone who entered! 🙆🏻‍♀️🧡

    “Life by WatermelonSeeds

    “Isn’t it beautiful? The first breath you take, the first step you make

    The first laugh your parent hears from you, don’t put it all to waste.”

    That’s what they say, but they don’t understand.

    You walk around in circles, nothing makes sense. They call you a freak, a loser, you want to defend. But you stay silent, you can’t talk, where are your friends?

    You’re not worth it, you’re not important, nobody will miss you. You know you tried, and you cried, and you gave it your all. These thoughts full of darkness will soon be your downfall.

    Why do they stare at you? Why do the waves want to drown you? All these demons who need to be silenced, they keep coming back and they ring like a siren.

    These voices in your head, they’re becoming louder. You can’t silence them, you can’t escape, and now you’re running away. They catch upto you, and they pull you astray.

    You slowly succumb and now you’re going crazy, these thoughts and images, you can’t think straight everything is hazy.

    Then suddenly everything is silent. No more voices, no more people, no more sadness. Just you, and only you, in this darkness.

    All you wanted was for someone to teach you how to swim when you drowned in your own sorrow.

    All you wanted was for someone to get you through, all you wanted was for someone to save you.

    Isn’t it sad? How easy it is for Life to choose her lover, over her children.”

    Thank you for your time! 🙆🏻‍♀️🧡
    CharLieeSaintCloud likes this.
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