PIMD's 5th Anniversary Spectacular

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Dec 22, 2015.

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  1. I is no longer on the spinner... Now im stuck with these dumb letters
  2. P's really aren't dropping anymore? thanks ridiculous. it's the weekday.. I hope y'all extend it to the weekend.. some of us have lives..?
  3. [quote="iGrinchBoogyWithMyB00" Letters really aren't dropping anymore? that is ridiculous. it's the weekday.. I hope y'all extend it to the weekend.. some of us have lives..?[/quote]
  4. fail^^ but don't even care ?
  5. Fixed :roll:
  6. thanks you're a real one
  7. Uhhh :?
  8. This is rather horrible, considering how this is an anniversary event and yet the time given to colleft all letters is so short? ATA can you please extend the deadline or make the other letters giftable? Thanks! 
  9. I usually don't be on forums but I appreciate the person who created this guy avi job well done
  10. I thought that the letters are till 28th as the deadline was mentioned in gifts topic. How would we know that it was only for a day.

  11. ?
  12. Because their anniversary was only on the 22nd? Before the thread was released I thought the avis would only be available for 24hours. The deadline is pretty specific to the avatars.
  13.  lost the chance to get a P
  14. Why are the letters not dropping anymore
  15. coz it is over
  16. Please bring back the letters.. Please please...
  17. Can lower the avatar price from 55 to 40 for Christmas?? Plz plz just for once >_<
  18. Then why are the anniversary gifts till 28th? Same should go for the cake too.
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