PIMDinis Launch Set

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Sep 1, 2015.

  1. Lol data, get a iPod or a iPhone 4 for the 3-4 hours battery and just to use w/ wifi :)

    Or get home wifi
    Or use McDs'
  2. 20 spins 1 mini smh
  3. I want one fuck
  4. I dont have wifi. Its not right to make pepole do without the videos. Just becuase of data.so now i got to wait 3 hours just to git points for the spin wheel.it takes me 12 hours just to git 100 points for a spin.
  5. Yall need to put the videos back for us 3g pepole. Its not right that the only pepole that gits the videos are 4g. I mean whay the hell. It looks like to me that ata is looking out for their pepole and not all of us pepole
  6. I think ata should take the spin wheel off. Because why make others do without the videos just becuase they have 3G and not 4G. What about us that dont have wifi. I think ata is looking out for their own pepole and not all of us
  7. Smh wow funny I get ads on all the other games and apps I have not using my Wi-Fi and yet ata is the only company screwing people out of the coin credits....still isn't fair to all of those with no Wi-Fi. But hey it's ok enjoy and choke on never getting money again from the people that use to pay for your paychecks ata staff....that is the only way big or small companies change their ways you take their money away....I lmao at the under age comment thanks but I'm not your age nor do I wanna be a childish person like you either....some people will always be rude and neglective towards other but I bet if ata made everyone wait the 3 hrs to get 15coins then you all would start complain ....that's if all videos are removed ....but ata has became money driven and greed driven cat cafes have ruined pimd...lame hunts every weekend or few weeks has made most of the good old players just quit....Ata needs to rethink this game cause as of now this game has gone down hill and don't look to be improving anytime soon....with the super lagginess and errors this game has became more annoying then it's worth even playing....but some people on this threads don't see it this way cause oh I got the updates version I'm on ios iPhones I have no issues or errors yet you all forget less then a year ago it's in threads some where look it all ios iPhones etc were crashing and man the rants about but any way I'm so over this crap ata keep running off your paychecks. And getting bad ratings on the Google play store app download page. Soon that's how games die....but oh yeah I forgot some one said I'm a kid and guess I know nothing about what I'm saying it's ok haters keep hating when the game keeps crashing and becomes to lame I'll be here laughing about all the rates that follow....now again have a great day I'm out of here ....I have a life and guess y'all dont
  8. I think y'all should stop crying


    They've never been open to all players to participate, but since they always were to you now your ass is sore? Perhaps you'd get sympathy if you'd givin any. Instead y'all just look selfish cryinging all over the place
  9. Boo hoo. You keep saying that if we are in your position then we would cry too, I have wifi and I still don't watch videos because it's a waste of my time so I too only get spins from the free gift
  10. 3hrs wait ??? life is tough i feel you
  11. ? This has become such a huge complaint it's hilarious, complain all day and night but still not delete the app...you really should just blame yourselves if this is such a huge life changing event stop coming on daily? Go outside and meet someone in person, make real life friends until ATA fixes this ?

    Every time there's any type of a new update there's always mass chaos and complaints, if it's so detrimental to your daily life why come on? Obviously waiting 3 hours is not going to ruin your stats in any way, nor will it alter your gameplay too much ?they said they're looking into it, now wait and see what happens! Anytime anything is recalled or cut off everyone misses out...ads on an app game are no different

    Making repetitive "this isn't fair I want ads" threads isn't going to change a thing anymore than posting here will. But...
  12. We need more pimdinis on wheel and less cash
  13. Time frame to end date would be lovely
  14. Whoever is saying hints are optional doesn't know the definition of optional. Option means you get to choose whether to play or not.

    If the option to participate is taken away from you then it's no longer an option.

    That is all...
  16. Quoting yourself is like giving yourself a high five. BTW your post sucks. Have a great day ?
  17. ?
  18. Excuse me!

    May I know what are the effects of the completed Bento Box on this event, please? :)

  19. You've the option to go to the library, a cafe, a restruant, heck even some grocery stores have wifi.

    Stop being lazy.

    Do pvp players have the option to stop their sfws and party in hunts? Usually not, if someone's hitting you...they aint gonna stop just because you want to go party.

    Man up buttercup!
