PIMDinis Launch Set

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Sep 1, 2015.

  1. I got 31 drops out of 83 spins. Rates are good
  2. You release this event but you still only allow ads to be watched through wifi. People like me who's out most of the time will be at an disadvantage in getting the chibis as compared to those who are at home with nothing to do. If those people have limited internet data then so be it, they can watch at their own expense if they want to. Why cant i watch my ads just because they cant afford to pay extra for their data.
  3. You tell em!
  4. Got 1 goldfish out of 12 spins... Rest was cash and 1 ecs...
  5. They're not too rare. If I had to estimate Id say I get cash 50%, these 49%.
  7. What's the stat bonus on the launch set, and what's the max amount of launch sets you can get?

  9. So kawaii ?
  10. I want those 
  11. I think it took me about 150 spins to get the bento with one trade. It's 250kcs.
  12. nice but ya forget to mention it got stats ?
  13. Ata is becoming more and more dependable on the kids on this game.Us adults who actually pay our bills and have data have to suffer because the parents of the kids complained that their kids were going over data. Well here's a thought ATA...get the kids off this game and pay attention to those whom actually play and spend real money on here...I have friends who spend a lot on here and nis aren't even allowed to use this stupid spinner...wake up ATA and listen to our complaints and do something about them.
  14. so... just sitting here and waiting for ata to solve it for you? well if they didnt take ads from data then your parents would complaunt about the bill so yea accept it or just quit ?
  15. INIKALILAH!!
  16. Re: PIMDinis Launch

    where is my free bulldog
  17. Tell us ata how much net gain are you getting from this sudden burst in ad revenue??
  18. Well, stop giving me cash all the time and I might spin it.
  19. I'm just sitting here looking at the data complaints like y'all don't have access to WiFi??