PIMDinis Launch Set

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Sep 1, 2015.

  1. Shadow , you letting him talk to you like that
  2. Shush Bailey
  3. Tell Pimd I said hi
  4. Don't worry, I'll tell them
  5. Tea
  7. I can finally use my 75 spins!
  8. If anyone is curious about the box's stats:

    Calandrajane93 likes this.
  9. I was! Thanks jerk :)
  10. Finally used my 100 spins, all worth since I got the legendary hypnocat ?!
  11. What she said :|
  12. PIMD makes $8,411 a day that's $3,070,015 a year. But won't improve game play just think of more ways to make more money. Hint. Improve game play you'll make more more.

  13. It usually goes away if you force close...except on our kioceria. That device hardly ever plays ads
  14. Geez. You'd think with all that money they'd make some good improvements.
  15. Where did you get that number from?
  16. Google it's public information
  17. This was added so people will use their spins before the next hunt
  18. I am not getting any videos on wifi or not. What gives ata?
  19. Hmmmmm....guess i needed to force stop and start again. Damn session issues
  20. Preach On