
Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 29, 2016.

  1. Are these the new version of cute cakes?
  2. You can't edit your post in ATASCADERO thread nor delete them I believe
  3. Peeping errybody
  4. Never paid attention to that. Thanks! :)
  5. Ok y'all don't have to comment if you don't want to, you're risking it yourself. They didn't force you to comment, as they said, they'd make forum contests to win them too so what's the problem? lmaoo.
  6. No Support. All about the crates, not the methods. Protect the identify of the players first.
  7. The problem is also because they keep contradicting themselves with their own rules, but that's a just a small portion of the issue.
  8. It's kinda scary how people in this game can be very different and scary to deal with once they know you. You never know when a person with mental disorder trying to stalk you on social media and show up in front of you. I'm not degrading these people but I'll rather think of my own safety then risk my life.
  9. I've heard few stories of people hiring detectives to track down identities of their enemies on this game or blackmailing. Having access to personal information, it'll be easy to ruin a life.

    Ruining pimd life? It's fine you move on.
    But ruining someone's life by exposing details to their real life friends, colleagues and family, that could cause a massive issue.

    ATAs response to this?

    Block them on pimd, and since the bully is on Facebook, that's none of their issues.
  10. in b4 lawsuites
  11. This.
  12. I argee
  13. LMFAO
  14. For who though?
  15. AGREE 100%
  17. Lol ..
    Sadly this is true^
    And to all the ones saying blah blah you don't have to comment on fb, well last I heard, this was Pimd forums and ppl have right to post complaints or warn noobier players , or just post past experiences about mingling rl and Pimd...
  18. I found 2 people from my club on Facebook 