
Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Jun 29, 2016.

  1. All boxes now
  2. I don't even have any social media
  3. Give me some
  4. Support
  5. So much for third party apps and you silence a person no support.
  6. I hope the best of luck to all I only have one media account made but I tried atleast so good luck all and thanks for the opportunity ata :)
  7. If you don't like it, don't participate. ATA is not saying for creeps to stalk you, they want to make a fun new way in promoting followers as well as rewarding players. No one is saying it's the only way to get crates and it's mandentory to follow/post on their post.
  8. Everyone's saying it exposes your identity.. Make another account, one with a fake name, a random picture, and only reason you use it is for that stuff....:/
  10. If you subject to media like this then allow people to talk about such media in campus. You are breaking your own rules. How do you expect to keep honest money paying players if you break your own rules? No support!

  11. SUPPORT!!
  12. So ATA didn't even say who won  completely ignored there thread
  13. 
  14. I'm sorry. But no way am I going to use my personal profile to comment on your "What do you like about PiMD" post with my IGN.
  15. Can i have one plz?
  16. I never received one period.
  17. How can I get this carte plz tell me or plz give me one carte
  18. I added to my twitter and Instagram....didn't get anything....boooooooo
  19. I just followed you on instagram and liked all your pics can you send me a pimdcrate