
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *-Ayano-Fire-Konachan- (01), Nov 6, 2011.

  1. cookie dropped his stats like little baby 
  2. -_- aren't you cookie?
  3. nope he's a fucking little noob that started today
  4. 
  5. I wish I was noobalicious 
  6. This shit
    Is legit
  7. Great art!
  8. My baby aj u ve been silenced hmmm
  9. I know


    Its fine  Please help me tell the club.
  10. But anyways,

    I'm still thinking of resetting so 
  11. Aj why u silenced??0.0
  12. I'm sorry 
  13. And I didn't get warned 
  14. Aww its ok hun
  15. I didn't read the ToU 

    My grandma was playing on my iPod when I was silenced so I didn't know.
