Pimd Time Capsule :D

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *GITB-J3lackJ3ird (01), Jan 31, 2011.

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  1. Scud

    All there is to it
  3. This is a peice of PimD history hopefully it won't get locked. As long as people don't start active stupid.
  4. Wellllll then. That escalated.
  5. I came to this game in 2013 I stayed for 15 minutes then deleted it. 6 months later I came back I stayed for a day and reset the account. A week later I re-downloaded PIMD and I'm hooked now. It's a great game that continues to provide us with something new (hunts,parties,Avis etc) hopefully in the future when a new player sees they too can be apart of us now. - The end 

  6. Damn you come back more than Goku does
  7. All these people disapeared in the nuclear war 2 years ago ;_;.
    So sad
  8. hmm in my capsule I'm putting that some ppl's comments be too damn long
    i want kaname to not post in forums for one week and jax is the scudiest of all and some ppl aww hell a lot of ppl need to give this game a break
  9.  that will never happen ^^
  10. I joined December 2013.

    This game has still got me hooked.

    Idk how long i will last here.
  11. I ate a squirrel

    My name is Wolfie
  12. I'm on page 3. it's sad to see old friends' accs reset.
  13. "The man who can control the time!"
  14. I'm officially in this thread. Score.
  15.  Ricecakes I love you bro ? I wanna eat you ? Noob don't read this ? you're too much of a noob or you probably got eaten before you read this 

    Ricecakes was here
  16. Also, um, I'm FallenAngel. I'm pretty much the coolest one on here.
  17. Hi. My Current Username is B0LT. It will probably be different by the time u see this. The date right now is June 7 2014. So Let's start the introduction.

    I am currently 173kcs right now. I've been playing for 2 months. I am an ultimate love quote lover. My fav one is THAT SHOULD BE ME by JB. Haters Gonna Hate :l
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