Pimd Stories 24/7

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Cupcak3s, Dec 27, 2016.

  1. What is your problem? I can't ask people questions?
  2. System wars ? They're not coming back
    Batllle list may have another makeover / a new name
    Now go search what ata said about wars
    And get back to me ..
  3. Mark said they were removing it. I can take a ss. ._. I don't think they are gonna rename it that would be dumb what would a name change do lol it needs a whole rework
  4. It's best that you shut your mouth then
    Nobody wants to listen or answer you
    Except for me .. coz ily
  5. Maybe you're confusing me for someone else. :? And ily2 stranger
  6. papaphobia you had one assignment and you failed miserably humor me and answer my question then I'll oblige and answer yours otherwise Quit trying to act top notch or at least if you are going to please post with a main
  7. what ?
  8. assigment
  9. Frap I'm not doubting that is something Mark would say, In All honesty I never really cared for what Mark has had to say I'd much more trust Grant because I see Grant in the community more than Mark if they want to take away system wars that's fine the System is already the most unused feature of the game next aside to battle list
  10. They're not removing bl .. although I'm sure you'd love if ata did
  11. unless you're alt .. then you don't what system or bl is
  12. Hold on I have all the ss let me convert it to forum code
  13. Is it rp form ?
  14. papaphobia please show us your main ?
  15. The pope is my main
    Who's yours ?
  16. George Michael rip ! Let's sing a song in aid of his death
     last Christmas I gave you my heart ️ but the very next day you gave away  this year you died 
  17. You are looking at IT also ?do you feel ill ?
  18. Maybe a little bit but I'll be a lot better later 