PIMD relationships

Discussion in 'Wars' started by YourDailyDoseOf0rg-sm, Mar 24, 2019.

  2. Not a fan of the online relationship idea. I think for some people it works but personally, i wouldn't. For the majority, it's just a sad fantasy that hopefully doesn't last too long or evolve into very strong feelings, especially if you live in different countries.
  3. My bf and I met on Instagram 5 years ago and started dating after 3 years of being friends. He’s now getting a visa to eventually become an American citizen.
    Long distance relationships are still taboo considering how most people want physical relationships to immediately bone the person they called a partner 4 days ago.

  4. Lol & congrats ?GL
  5. Physical does not always equal sëx. When you don't know someone irl they could lie to you about so many things and easily get away with it. Then there are little physical comforts like hugs and such. Also. What if they smell terrible and you have no clue until you meet them? Some people have a naturally gross scent. What if they have annoying habits that you can't experience over a phone/laptop? Online relationships are straight up stupid and you're the exception, not the rule.
  6. I agree with almost every word you said it might feel comforting or even nice at the lonely moments (Rl) but tge other person might be the total opposite of what he pretends to be
  7. In my club there is an actual couple that met on here and are now engaged... lots already together playing. ?
  8. Yea i found my soulmate
  9. THIS
  10. I agree, mostly people are very different in real life and you can't just fall for them over a game. You can find great friends but a lover or a soulmate, I'd prefer to meet them in real life and know them truly. And I agree with Wednesday, there can be so many things that can piss you off in real life that you never know unless you meet them. I am an old school romantic, so yeah I will prefer to find someone in real life.
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  11. We were 7 years and he moved on.
    Pimd relationships may or may not work. You just need to find the right person for you.

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