PIMD Psychology

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RevolutionaryWolf, Jun 24, 2015.

  1. #3 no one touches my phone anyways, and even if they did, IT'S LOCKED by an app locking app lol
  2. #3 For me. Lol. I don't mind. Well, people don't know what it is since they don't speak English over here.
  3. I keep it in front page my mom knows about this game but she wont download though :lol:
  4. Keep it in a folder allllllll the way to the right end of the home screen.
  5. 2nd of course
  6. Top row, second page.  I don't mind, no one but me touches my phone. It's not really the icon I'm embarrassed of, its if they open it up and look at wc ?
  7. #3 I'm past the age of giving a crap what others think of how I spend my free time.

  8. #2.5 I keep everything in folders for easy access. ? but when I double click the home button, it's almost always the first app that pops up and sometimes wc is a little questionable ?
  9. I keep pimd on first page but still dont want to show my acc to others but ya i do suggested my few frndz to play this and ya they loved this game and they still play and growing fasti m growing fast too
  10. Totes a cute wallpaper.
  11. I keep all my apps on the first page except this one, which is by itself on the second page :lol:
  12. 3, who cares care bears
  13. ?2, and actually, page 4 of my phone.
  14. What if it's hidden? :roll:

  15. Love your wallpaper
  16. Combination of 1 and 3. I hate the picture but it isn't a naughty games. What's there to do?
  17. 2. Daren't risk people I know seeing it 
  18. I'm #3. After dealing with the old version of kaw I pretty much didnt care. Plus I've actually convinced a few of my friends to play.