PIMD in Real Life

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by RevolutionaryWolf, Feb 13, 2014.

  1. Wow ur cool
  2. hahaha 
  4. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  5. I sweat I still laugh at this
  6. Lmao.
  7. Bumpity bump bump coz it still makes me giggle. :lol:
  8. this is funny 
  9.  bumping for laughs
  10. Ohhhhh so this is why Dance is highly frowned upon...
  11. This isn't really why lol.
  12. Lol ik. It's just that everyone says dance is used for milking but highly frowned upon when farming players. I'm like oh this must be why then lol
  13. Nah the point was just taking it all literally. Like what if dancing really took your cash. Dancing is frowned upon mostly because of the energy it takes out of you and the little damage you do.
  14. Oh. If I saw dancing taking your money IRL I'd probably laugh so hard and blame you for imagining it :lol:
  15. The better the dance move the more cash. ?
  16. Welp, might as well learn from Just Dance 2