PIMD in Real Life #2 (The Sequel)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RevolutionaryWolf, Feb 17, 2014.

  1. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha hilarious
  2. Wth
  3. PIMD timezone ?

    Hi i really wish i have more time to pimd but i think ata should consider some ppl have universities schools and jobs in morning so they can not be active (also cz of timezone differs between countries : india lebanon canada france philipine ) some ppl can t party in their own club cz all rest membs are sleepin its not fair , we don t have that much time to complete our hunts and get awards  !!!
  4. You must be lost 
  5. Love this!! Great job op
  6. Lmao had to bump this ?
  7. Funny kool
  8. Lol are you talking about the movie "Taken".
  9. Love taken
  10. 
  11. are u talking about taken series?
  12. Yes, yes I am. 
  13. That how i got my name