Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Menawan, Jan 13, 2021.


Do you agree

  1. Yes

    7 vote(s)
  2. No

    5 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Who plays it doesnt matter. Its a college based game. Theres no law saying you can only play a college based game if you are in college
  2. *insert cancer emoji here*
  3. I don’t think I wrote at any point that anyone playing it is wrong tho?. M saying majority of those even playing this are not even in college. The ads should be better!
  4. College based game. It does not matter how old the players are. It does not change the fact this is a college based game. Some kids smart as fuck and be in college by the time they 11. Some people go to college at 30-40-50 to learn nee skills. You saying 11yr olds should be getting knocked up and married?
  5. It's a college based game regardless if some think about it or not. But imo while the wedding theme is a little weird, there's been unrelated themes to college multiple times so it's not much of a stretch to ask the devs about it.