Avatars : Emo/Grunge avi, Wannabe, Teachers Assistant, Country boy, Hipster Girl, and you know just for some laughs..haha make a hobo Gifts : papers, pencils, necklaces, hats/beanies, and A CardBoard Box! And while I'm already typing...make EC giftable or DNS giftable (for maybe like in December..the week of Christmas have ec and dn giftable) (even just doing that for a couple days like Christmas Eve and Christmas Day would be amazing) thank you for reading ? Have A Nice Day ?
PimD pls tell us which idea became a real avi and items and pls pick mine and if our avis came true in PimD let us have it for free after all its our idea
What about a snarky girl avatar base upon the snark party girl? And a hipster boy avi based upon the lecture party action boy?
Dear ATA, Anything is fine ? as long they r not designed by 2 yr olds .. All ava except few extramly ugly .. Thanking You Mrex
Yeah try journalists as ava and the things used by journalist like tape recorder etc for the showcase items