Birthday cake please Then I could send it when someone's birthday Support Olympic avatar ! Get the 5 Olympic panda I forgotten their names Could make a hunt for it !
Hm so far what i can think of i want, Gift : ? piggy bank ? pudel ? Avatar (girls) : ? bride ava, considering many WW here, it will be good️ ? feminim trendy chick on hot pants and sun glasses on. Summer is coming
They should have olympic metals with gold ,silver,and bronze each affecting stats and each gives better stat boost and only get them after a spcial party
Any gender: - delinquent - loner - protege - cosplayer - teacher's pet - chef - psychology major student
I Know this is Over but Ill post anyways For whoever wins the most Hypocats should get A female/Male avatar It should be really rare and.If devs decide to put it in the store it should cost 100 Ec. (Details) Female avatar Should have Really long Audburn silk hair Tied in a Ponytail. And should be wearing a Hypocat T-Shirt With Basic Shredded short shorts Im going to be really corny on this Maybe but I'll try Im not really good at makeing male avatars But I will try So Im thinking Brown Hair And a Hypocat t-shirt also And It should be a black male Basic Pants I mean really basic. This is probley a fail.
Animal Lover (or maybe a crazy cat lady) Foodie Hipster Girly girl Creeper Loner Nature lover (hiking, etc) Marine biologist Tweaked-Out Freshman Beautician
~G.I.F.T.S~ For the gifts there should be. A Scav Hunt Should be called the Saint Patrick Hunt and Should be Items for the hunt that are only in the Fake Art 101 Party and Prank Primer, Cabana Pool Party C.L.O.V.E.R Should Be a green clover And Haveing a description saying "Now Ya Got Luck" [/color=green] [Color=aqua blue] Gold Pot Should be a pot full of Gold Saying "Can I Buy Tacos Now?" Prefume description:Lucky. Mist Saint Patrick Doll The Main thing your trying to get is this Description: a Doll exacly like Saint Patrick But holding a pot of gold should say Now Were my Gold