1) A guide on how to cure hangovers. 2) A hand me down Guide on how to go to class with a hangover. 3) Detention Slip... for being hungover. 4) Handphone strap with too many things on it for girls. 5) Gym headband for the gym lovers. 6) A list of names with hand phone numbers on it. 7) A box full of chalks that was flung at you. 8) Ripped concert tix. 9) A bar of soap. Don't drop it. 10) a Multi usage charger that does not charge well.
Gifts: Sunny-side-up (egg) Pizza Swiss flag Italian flag Kebab Lion Orange (food) Ava's: Surfer Filmdirector Chef de Cuisine Vendeur
non ec avatars such as: play boy next door, YOLO DUDE, MIND READER. PARTIES THT DROP STORE ITEMS. Once in awhile it may drop lets say 20 of a particular item if lucky. AN ITEM THT INCREASES $$$ BY MAYBE 5%. This are my ideas use them if u want ^<
i think avatars should be less money and girls should have models teachers and say jessica ennis as their avatars. BOYS for the boys usain bolt n things like that. also more items that are cute like a wtotwhiler. ITEMS the ale n squash i think should be easier to get.
Id love to see a completely tattooed/tattoo artist avatar, a total tomboy avatar or era avatars (70s, 80s, etc.) also more affordable avatars would be awesome