Pimd Gifts and Avatars ideas

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by pimd_admin, Jul 23, 2012.

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  1. Also army dude and race car drivers
  2. AVATAR:
    U should make Avatars more affordable.
    Im thinking of a street Dancer.

    u should make a street dancer parts.
    Which drops frm party's.

  3. It Would Be Cool If We Could Actually Make/Change Our Avatars To Things We Want. To Show Our Personalities. Just A Thought  People Always Have The Same Avi's lol
  4. Anime ava please. (-/\-)
  5. Anime ava please. (-/\-)
  6. 1) Buzz cut army dude with shades.
    2) The wallflower girl.
    3) Class Joker (can be male of female)
    4) Cosplayer with heavy makeup
    5) The Jazz Blues boy
    6) Hawt Shawty

    You know, for the halloween avatar, would have been better if the female avatar was the Bride of Frankenstein kinda look. And the guy could have been Dr Jeckyll Mr Hyde kinda thing.
  7. Please bring charlie the unicorn back for 1m like he was. A cat girl and guy would be cool and a steampunk guy and girl! Want a fish lol like a vetta or goldfish item lol
  8. A cosplayer avatar would be very nice

    You could even have a cheap one that is kind of average/sub-par and a more expensive one with a die-hand cosplayer fan.
  9. I like the cosplayer avatar idea!  I would want to get that if ever it became available.
    We could add the school journalist with the big PRESS ID ?
    An Emo avatar.
    A Santa avatar.
    A school mascot avatar - maybe a tiger or falcon outfit wearing a basketball shirt with the PIMD logo it.
  10. *on it* lol sorry about that.

    Now as for gift ideas...
    How about plume pen and paper.
    Food/lunch tray.
    More kind of giftable drinks.
    Bag of chips or fries .
    Gadgets ??. Or old vhs player .
    Newspaper rolled.
    Feng shui mirror.
    Warm fuzzy fluffy blanket.
    Voodoo doll .
  11. For a gift cookies would be nice. But for god's sake, DON'T MAKE IT AN EC GIFT. Please and Thank-you :)
  12. The first year welcome to the frat/sor cookies haha!

    I think I'd like a gift about the school year album. Which has nothing related to you inside. Haha!
  13. since we have cosplay party, why not to avatar with costumes.. i want catwoman, resident evil, clash of titans and avengers characters. drop items which avatar could also wear. tnx
  14. Suggest For New Avatar
    Male Avatar
    > Captain America
    > Hulk
    > Iron Man
    > God Of War

    Female Avatar
    > Catwoman
    > Resident Evil
    > Sexy Witches
    > Twinkle Bell

    ️My Favorites pls choose 1 from 4 suggestion?or pimd really suck in making avatardo ur work..?
  15. maybe not too sexy avatars :-/ hahaha and more on avatars that resemble normal people..

    would love ditsy floral ava pls hahaha
  16. Teacher's pet
    Discipline Master
    Gym Instructor
  17. lawrence of arabia avatar
  18. Ohhhh teen mom an dead beat dad avatars Lmfao but serious I want an Elvis avatar with Santa hat for Christmas maybe an Monroe for us girls of course in her iconic white dress
  19. Make an ipad as gift
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