Pimd Gifts and Avatars ideas

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by pimd_admin, Jul 23, 2012.

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  1. Don't make the African American avatars look so hood! Pleas make some business student avatars that are black. All blacks aren't hood like that!
  2. Avatars:
    •Caucasian Rasta
    •Auto Mechanic
    •Slores Galore
  3. Avatars:
    1. Skater girl
    2. Volleyball GIRL
    3. Animal freak
    4. Poet

    1. Guitar
    2. Lizard
    3. Top hat
  4. I was thinking of having a basketball player avatar.... and most defiantly have the football player available as avatar also.
  5. WE MUST HAVE SANDWICHES AS GIFTSGimme a sammich
  6.  Suggestion?

    Different flags as showcase gifts?
    Avatars are already pretty decent, so maybe something totally different? Old Victorian lady
  7. A burger as a gift  OR OR a pinwheel. Oooooor a DREAMCATCHER.
  8. Or Maybe sneakers (converse-looking ones), silly string, earphones, etc.
  9. Sandwiches [​IMG]
  10. Customizable Avatars!!
  11. Or MINECRAFT avatars!!!
  12. maybe you could have like a priminister avatar or a football manager
  13. DONT HAVE ITEMS? HARD TO GET DROPS? Apply<--#1 Most Party Hits Gets Item Of Choice
  14. A Summer Avatar Or A School Avatar
    Bcouse it's summer n it's almost school season
  15. When are the Devs going to read our ideas or just look at them
  16. I think we could have a music themed or olympic themed showcase item?
    And as for avatars and name changes I think it would be nice if we could also pay for them in cash along with ec
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