Pimd Gifts and Avatars ideas

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by pimd_admin, Jul 23, 2012.

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  1. Some peeps want Asian avatars, y don u make Asian avatars! And make them affordable so more peeps won't have to be stuck with the same avatar wen they don't have enough ecs (Like me)Thx!
  2. I would like an avatar tht I can adjust them myself.
    Like skin color, hair color, etc

    And after that i can buy clothes with percentage stats (different price) and put it on.. And we can switch our clothes everyday according our moods.

    And new clothes will be available on store..

    Maybe pricey clothes will give more stats!
    Tht will be lovely..
  3. Dear lord don't go making this into a game about changing clothes 
  4. @warmachine:

    Just an idea, dear.. 

    If want another avatar same like this.. I would love to get FAIRY silver hair avatar
  5. Players should be given choice to choose the colour of clothes of avatars or type of hair styles, etc.
  6. A can of Spam, right next to the toilet paper, for a dollar. Would be the ultimate worst gift!
  7. hopefully we could change back to our old avas.  i mean we bought it right?
  8. Get the football player back and all the old people
  9. For the avatars you should change the price to money
  10. Here are some of my best ideas:

    • Sitar Enthusiast
    • Posh Snob
    • Cell Phone Addict
    • Gangster
  11. Ohh im too focus bout avatar, forgot the gift part..
    Back again for avatar, maybe good if we can adjust it ourselves, but if idea u want.. It shall be "Silver Hair Fairy with Blue/Red eyes"

    For gifts:
    1. Music Box
    2. Gold Bracellet
    3. Birthday Cake (we need this for friend's Birthday)
    4. Parfume
    5. Monalisa Duplicate Painting? 

  12. Girl avatars
    Love Maniac

    Boy avatars
    Couch potato
    Bad boy

    T-Shirt that says, "Call Me Maybe"
    A monkey! Just a regular one
    A golden dog
  13. I would love to see a male with a goatee and a female with a beard 
  14. Customizable avatars
  15. My Avatar Ideas:
    •Girl Athlete
    •Boy Athlete
    •A special (boy
  16. It didn't all come in! 
  17. Join The_Heist
    |____ |
  18. Teachers Aid, Campus Security Intern, Lab Assitant, Valley Girl, B-Boy, Hippie Underachiever
  19. Give us a Goku avatar.
  20. Ec is hard to get so really... what's the point of awesome avatars when you can't buy them? Make ec's easier to get and prices more affordable
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