Pimd Gifts and Avatars ideas

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by pimd_admin, Jul 23, 2012.

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  1. Either n alien or a guy in a alien suit that would be AWESOME
  2. clothing to buy if we dont have,to change up,im new here
  3. We need math genius Back!!
    -a kim kardashian look alike (arabian princess)
    -an oympic guy
    -a singer both girl boy
    -a model both girl.boy

    -puppy or kitten
    -a pencil case
    -sparkle stars
  5. assassins creed looking guy 
  6. Customable Avatars ^-^
  7. Avatar:
    Gangnum Style disc
  8. Pimd is awsome right GUYS so let's all ask since the people who made this game. Know what there doing and they know fun I think it would be cool if they made another game scavenger hunt game or a game like love money gypsy style bring gypsys back from the 1930s or. 1920s yes please thank u lilfoot187 c.c
  9. Should make pre-paid credit cards (or gift cards, whatever) available. Making it easier to gift money to a friend.

    Most college kids get these from their parents... Think something like this would be appropriate for the game and much appreciated by pimd's members.
  10. Avatar Ideas

    Figure skater, anime fan, a monster of some kind, emo, nerd.

    Gift Ideas

    Skates, anime eye contacts, fangs, piercings, nerdy glasses.


    Customizable clothing, hair, and makeup, cheaper clubs, easier way to make money, gets customizable dorms.
  11. Should have the option to change outfits and make availabe for us to buy outfits for the avatars (that give intelligence and strength) from the store with cash.
  12. For Gifts:
    -Stuff that people actually use in college
    -Energy drinks
    -Outfits for avatars
    And etc
  13. For avatars I think they should add
    -Scene Gurl
    -Film Geek
    -Head Editor
    -Political Poet
    -Wannabe Rapper

    For gifts I think they should add
    -Cell Number
    -Silver Bracelet
    -Video Game
    -Cheat Sheat
  14. Baseball player avatar!!
  15. I want like a gaming nerd
  16. Christmas Ornaments or gifts with bonus stats like last year please.. I just started playing the game.. Please!!!
  17. Avatars
    -Method Actor
    -Sport Historian
    -Flower Child
    -Band Geek
    -Gossip Girl

    -Christmas Orniemants
    -New Years Glasses
  18. Chocolate santas
  19. Sorry, had to test this somewhere.
    Testing! [color]
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