Pimd Gifts and Avatars ideas

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by pimd_admin, Jul 23, 2012.

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  1. I want an ice cream gift
  2. Panda

    A stuffed panda gift and a panda avatar!
  3. not sure if it has already been suggested but a gift of a doctors note would be great! It takes quite some time to power up and going into a battle most money gos on upgrades. knowing you could buy one for a friend in need would be sweet.
  4. I would like to make my own person with the money i make n then every time sumbody buy the person i made i get a cut that would be great *! So please lets do it it would be s nother form of money we could make and it would cost about 12 m to make sumbody n 1m for top 2m for bottom 3m for shoes so 18m to make your own person * misnikki*
  5. Make a boat for showcase and Celebs for avatars
  6. What about army, navy and airforce items for attack and defence
  7. A new avatar for a girl could be one of those chickswith a billion clips in her hair and a hoodie and mini skirt...I see girls dressed like that all the time...like an anime chick. I would also like to gift pacifiers. Gifting enemies is fun lol some gift item like that would be great
  8. PADDLE - I think everyone in pimd loves a good spank. why not let us give it as a gift?
  9. I think there should be a type of new athlete that kindve looks like one of those not very famous athletes to give them some credit for playing and working hard and I would also like to no if I can be a mod cause I am on Like 18/7 but only cause I have to sleep but other wise I would be on 24/7 and I think all pervs need to be rid of and need to start following rules
  10. I also think some doctor notes and extra credit would be good gifts
  11. Gold Boxing Gloves
  12. Should be able to put a real pic of yourself as your avatars , make a button were you can search your Facebook pics or your pics on your phone to put as your pimd avatar!
  13. Make a avatar like Sheldon cooper or at least an autistic avatar to raise autism awareness I know I'd appreciate it seeing as I have autism
  14. Make another avatar of 55ec max int/str. The current ones are not as visually pleasing as the females ones.
  15. Ad a handsome Latin "token/popular gay boy" u know....the kind that has lots of jock friends cuz he always brings the hottest chicks to the parties :) haha! THAT WOULD BE ME X-D
  16. That is a good idea
  17. You should have more African American avatars.
  18. emo princess and skater guy. :) Oh, and pierced heart as a permanent not limited gift please! I loved the idea :p
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