Pimd Gifts and Avatars ideas

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by pimd_admin, Jul 23, 2012.

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  1. Justin Bieber hahaha
  2. Avatars;
    Scene Queen, girly girl , 90's kid, singer girl
    Microphone for the singer, earrings for the girly girl, tiara for scene queen, gameboy for the 90's kid.

    I hope you'll consider these ideas 
  3. Oh and anime freak person  and the gift would be like a manga or something 
  4. Some Fifa stuff?
  5. Make a avatar that is a plastic
  6. Can we get more guy to guy gifts between 250k-10m? I don't want to give or receive a thong from another dude lol.
  7. I think some kind of gangsta girl for an avatar as that would be cool or skater dudes and stuff like that
  8. Customizable avatars!!!
  9. Avatars u should have football/rugby
    Player gift u guys have a car a house
  10. The ability to gift money, extra credits, or doctors notes would be nice 
  11. What about Halloween gifts and showcase items? PIMD players would love it
  12. How about like theater geek?
    Or a "working class hero" type.
  13. Anybody want a sexy girl.
  14. 4 Gifts n showcase and or gifts sholud buildings like da Whitehouse,Area 51,The Pentagon etc...
  15. Gotta gift spanks 

    Make them cheap, so I can spank everyone 
  16. An Irish chick ;)
  17. I think there should be a gift boxes that contain strength/intelligence. This way some of us that are just starting out will not have to wait to gain more strength to get a job done or battle with our fellow students.
  18. Mascot in a monkey suit and monkey plush dolls
  19. I like monkey mascots or monkey avatarツツ
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