I'd love to see some Avis in these themes: - Medieval Times - Wiccan - Ravers - Gamers (Playstation, Xbox, pc, Nintendo, ect.)
have "the age of metal" hunt theme where you can get avas that look like metal vocalist as the common and rare avas and ultron like ava in the ultra rare ava
I would love to see a plus size girl avatar. I would really love to see more body types in the avatars bc they look all the same. Maybe different heights as well.
I think there should be an avatar thats like eminem or slim shady or b rabbit or maybe a basketball player
How about bringing back old avatars and making them available to buy with EC? There's tons of ones from hints that I wasn't here for to get and id love a second chance for some
Re: Pimd Gifts and Avatars ideas - ATHLETE AVATARS Do athlete avatars. Especially baseball, it's a must!