Pimd Gifts and Avatars ideas

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by pimd_admin, Jul 23, 2012.

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  1. Really 55 credits that sucks :( you don't even give that many out
  2. We should have more avatars that think they are do good... Like avatars with fluffy hair and stuff.... Yeah
  3. We should have more avatars with lower ec it's true u don't give much out, and how about two gifts in one and able to send money in gifts, and also 2 ec every week
  4. .... All the new ones are really expensive and a lot of people don't want to pay money to get more jewels so do you think you could either give out more credits or lower the avatars?
  5. Magazines, books, musical interments, etc.
  6. Could you make the new avatars more affordable?:/:/ thanks!
  8. Lamp
    Toy pikachu(2k STR 2k intel)<~ hell yeah affordable too
  9. I know this is not related but u should give money in hollydays like 20 millions or more please listen to my idea
  10. 
    I like the guy hipster! But you guys should add a girl hipster!!! Please!!!
  11. Make a BatMan Avatar or IronMan. That would be cool
  12. Buy avatars with money
  13. A sexy cheery singer/dancer avatar and be a cheerleader at the same time.
  14. Guy avatar ideas!

    • Gamer (maybe could hold a game controller)
    • Soccer player (kicking a soccer ball up)
    • "Cool Kid" (holding his iPod)
    • Skater (doing an ollie on a skateboard)

    Girl avatar ideas!

    • Professional biker (on a bicycle)
    • Singer (holding a microphone)
    • Model (wears a long dress)
    • Mrs popularity (doing this )

    Please take some time to look here pimd it'd mean a lot (I really want that soccer player)
  15. Lots of items with stat increases especially gifts 
  16. I think that you should make avatars available with PIMD money
  17. And a outdoors avatar would be cool
  18. I think there should be more avatars , millions play the game so.. new thoughts like old men or mom or high school girl or a chef or pilot or shy girl , fat girls and guys too , and for the gifts more cuter for sure
  19. Avatar for all ages and all ppl so each person choose the perfect match oh the childish girl who love driving ppl crazy  thx and hope u start making us buy avatars by money or some of them at least
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