You should make avaters based off of avenger characters and you should do another thing where dorms are half off
avis from around the world sound nice ???or maybe 90's cartoon themed or from videogames ? mythical creature avis also sound great, but then again i'm not creative ? maybe these are all horrible but i find them interesting ? hope everyone has a good day/night ?
I would like if there was some warrior avatars male and female or some more sporting avatars like basket ball players rugby players etc just saying
I would love it if you could win avatars based on your gender. I win male avatars that I am never going to use, and it would be so much nicer if we could have an option on which avatar you win. It's just a suggestion, but I know there are quite a few people I've talked to who would definitely agree.
I would like an Ava of Katy Perry with the Egyptian make up, like the one in her video clip, I forgot the title of the song.. tq
A gift...umm I'm thinking about A bowl of worms which says "looks like noodles when you are starving"