Olympics or yu-gi-oh. Make parties drop fragments of Exodia and make him an avatar or item from completing the collection. Yugi, the pharoah as avatars, maybe dark magician. You get the drift
Winged dragon of Ra as 20ec. Polymerization as 4ec gift. Blue eyes for 200M. Dark magician for 40M. Avatars: Yugi, Joey, dark magician girl, Anzu. And make scav items collect to make parts of exodia, then those parts combine to make exodia.
How about looney tunes, Tom and Jerry, or Powerpuff Girls. Or the Flintstones? For the Flintstones to get Fred and or Barney you have to get a certain number of water buffalo hats. For Wilma and or Betty you have to get a certain amount of their outfit accessory (wilmas necklace and Betty's bow) you can make pebbles and bam bam drops. For ppg you have to get their outfits along with a certain number of volumetric beakers (shape is an upside down sucker) of chemical x. Gifts or drops can be octie or animal friends, knuckle sandwiches, stack of books and the barrette blossom wears and for the rowdy ruff boys snips snails and a puppy dog tail and the toilet they were made from when mojo was in jail. Tom and Jerry, the mouse traps with cheese are drops, along with tyke (spikes son) to the combined but regiftable Father and son. You have to get a certain amount of fish beside milk bowl to get Tom and a certain amount of nibbles to get Jerry. You could use muscle's outfit(Jerrys cousin) to get the regiftable big cousin. Gift can be Jerry's book life with Tom. I don't really have a idea on how to get bugs daffy and Lola but that's my idea for any new hunts.
How about adding new gifts to the store ( get rid of rainbow shooters and bling chain) and hiw about revamping the store. The items in the store have been the same for 2 years
Avatar ideas Music Industry since most people use the celebrity names anyway Bring Beyonce or Nicki to pimd Gift ideas Cars like lambo or Audi something that will catch our eyes
And please bring wars back to hunts not all can get into cat or pizza parties plus you make friends in the wars and it's a big help BRING THE WARS BACK TO HUNTS
Another avatar idea Professional sports like Tennis or NBA Lebron or Jordan for guys and Serena and Skylar for girls
I think you should make a pirate hunt have a girl pirate avi a boy pirate avi have gold coins that combine into a treasure chest to get the Avis and random drops like a note in bottle a sunken ship seaweed a sword and collect so many and they turn into a higher stat item for showcase I think that would be a cool hunt idea
Please Kyoukai No Kanata hunt ;-; Collect 5k Glasses and get Kanabara-Senpai or Mirai ;-; Drops or Gifts: Sweater Ring Blood Sword