Pimd Elite

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by THE_DOC_, May 4, 2019.

  1. Someone’s salty
  2. Speaking as a noob who is quickly rising to Elite status, I have to agree 
  3. Harsh 

    Why’s that? I always just wonder how they have so much time 
  4. I can’t base all noobs being elite just bc a few have high stats. U literally just said having higher stats made u “elite status” aka higher stats = elite; nothing to do w being a noob or not.
  5. wait. how does spending less time on PIMD mean they're the elites of PIMD. I'm confused
  6. Because of the time, dedication, and (usually) money they are spending to establish multiple accounts and keep them regularly active

    Bonus pity points if the alts are "secret" alts and they make up fake identities for each account ? I mean, whew keeping track of all that? Do they have a Microsoft Excel sheet detailing the identity of each account?
  7. It is kinda sad tho. The few ppl i can think of like this don't have jobs/school or any rl friends to take up their time. They need hobbies outside of pimd
  8. ^ Exactly
  9. Is playing pimd considered a hobby?
  10. It could be? I consider it a kind of fruitless hobby, though.
  11. Elite suggests having certain special social standing and access to better quality things other members or players are not privy to. Noobs more often than not beg for things they want. That means they do not have access to them. The opposite of special status. The only things noobs have special access to is starter furniture and starter club which is easily attained. Therefore noobs are not elite.
  12. Well I didn't read all pages so ignore me if it's been said:
    1) first define the word noob in your theory.
    2) noobness has nothing to do with stats. Ever heard of the concept (I believe created by Julie) of "overgrown noobs"?
  13. You’re confusing noob and newb.
  14. Noob, newb,
  15. I am the elite
  16. I’ve just realized my comment got cut off and I have no idea why 

  17. In the old 2010-2015ish forums, if you typed an ampersand it would erase anything you typed after it. Although I've seen it work recently.

    Let's try it out.

    Blah blah & blah blah blah
  18. yeh no idky
  19. Yeah that’s probably what happened because I did use one
  20. Oh, well that's weird why mine didn't cut out. Unless you dont space it.

    Blah blah &blah blah blah