Pimd Elite

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by THE_DOC_, May 4, 2019.

  1. I’m an elite dictator. Do I count?
  2. I prefer DoctorDaddy but okay...
  3. Not how I see triggered being as but uh okay
  4. Gotta start somewhere amirite
  5. Noobs are elite tbh they are just put into this game out of nothing.. like they just appear and keep multiplying,, no matter how much higher stats talk down on them they continue to prosper, rp clubs out number party clubs and sfw clubs 5/1,, they mind their own business but once they see a higher star player they come in waves and swarms to raid that players nfs,, I have currently received about 250 fight losses in a 2 day period do to “The Code” but with that 250 fight losses I still have had more noobs raid my nfs with friend requests asking for rp.. it’s scary if you really think about it, how can noobs be elite? I guarantee once stronger players retire and give up. Noobs will still multiply and prosper in this game
  6. Wanna know who’s more elite than the noobs? High stat players with alts, their finesse game strong 
  7. That’s just stupid and makes them seem even more of a no life
  8. I’m triggered
  9. Of course you are cool bean
  10. Having more than like 2 or 3 alts just kind of makes me pity the person
  11. If u gotta say ur elite then ur not elite ??‍♂️
  12. Says the guy named “EliteJerk”
  13. Yeah I’m actually neither of those things which is kinda the point
  14. That hurts
  15. The truth does that sometimes
  16. DoI count as an elite?
  17. If someone says they're a jerk, it's usually true, though. I'll trust the ign on this one
  19. In a way they are, since they put less time and effort into a GAME!!!