Pimd Dictionary

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Alicia14, Sep 4, 2017.

  1. Yeah just needs to be tweaked and it should be good.
  2. Fk ppl have time for this #GetALife
  3. Get a life? Says the one who’s spending their time making an alt to troll since if you use your main, you’ll get farmed to oblivion with no breaks
  4. Wolf is an HS.
    So yeah they exist 
    Good work tho.
  5. You're an idiot. This ain't an alt
  6. Even so, hit install and never return
  7. Omg you're so dumb^ you prob mean hit uninstall.... You must be an American
  8. Because I make a small error, I’m automatically dumb?
  9. I love it when James gets into it on forums. it gets my rocks off. ?
  10. It's most definitely not an error cos you said install in two consecutive posts... You keep proving my assumption
  11. Why don’t you *uninstall* then? Hope that makes things a lot better
  12. Boi go home.... You're stressing
  13. Wouldn’t stress over an obvious troll that is actually trying to get a decent thread locked
  14. Well why keep mentioning troll if it's obvious? If you're not stressing then you're clearly dumb..

    Also if the thread gets locked your contribution won't be forgotten
  15. Your name+ your stats suggests you are an alt
  16. I can't edit the thread anymore :/ or I would've corrected that HS thing . Sorry for that.
  17. its ok alicia, its a decent thread anyway.
  18. I mean you didn't have to announce it publicly ? I woulda been fine with your cf in pm
  19. I could be an old player who started afresh. Or i could be someone who has seen their friends play this and downloaded it.... The stupidity is beyond measure around here
  20. Don’t worry, we could always add an updated version, similar to what happens with the party of the day thread