PIMD Convention

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -JP_Magnum_McSexySauce-, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. That's complete bull. I've been to Vegas numerous times and its like any other place. There's crime and stuff going on but not to the extent exaggerated. 
  2. Fiiine but I call the cupcakes 
    PLAN ET.

    Plan et. 
  4. Yeah Chumlee looks like he's from the mean streets. He's straight gangsta.
  5. Why not in Vancouver, since ATA's HQ is there.
  6. Somewhere cheap and random is a good idea. We can party it up anywhere as far as I'm concerned. But if you guys come to Alberta ages 18 and up can drink so.... Seems like the best plan hahah
  7. Jack, you know that this rule is applicable wherever you are in Canada as far as I know? So be it in Alberta, Quebec or Nova Scotia, 18 you can get wasted legally at the bar.
  8. Why Canada?
  9. Because Canada is awesome.
  10. It's pretty boring..
  11. Not everywhere is.  Some places are, though. Lol
  12. Some places in the states are boring too... So hat was sort of a dumb statement Cookie Monster.
  13. Washington and Oregon are boring as fuck.

    I love Oregon, but it's boring.
  14. Cali anybody? 
  15. NorCal
  16. California would be fun. But dibs out on bootlegging for the youngins.
  17. Cali has horrible beaches, so that would be not so good.
  18. I swear you guys don't know jack crap about California.