PIMD Convention

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -JP_Magnum_McSexySauce-, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. Yeah I would never go.

    I'd maybe consider it, if it was close to my hometown and if it'd be like a kickback/party.
  2. Would be horrible.
  3. I'm talking about wasting your money in rl for a bunch of probable fakes. I said probable, remember.
  4. I would go... If it wasnt in Vegas.. Don't like Vegas...
  5. I vote -7 and Pakistan
  6. Definitely go.. just cause its Vegas ;)
  7. If all expenses paid for
    Convention then I'm down is go to that lol.
    I wanna see the girls I rp with in real life so I can get down
  8. I would definitely want to see the people I talk to daily 
  9. No thanks, I don't need to see that manny Ritalin junkies in one room ever.
  10. Do you think there would be a fist fight between playmates and terror? That'd be awesome
  11. Who wouldn't want to go?

    Vegas Booze Meeting up with all your friends
  12. Fuck, cut off.  deuces.
  13. I live 6 hours from Vegas. All of you saying you'd go have obviously never been to a dangerous place. If you want to get your faces shot off because of an unintentional dirty look, have fun in Vegas.
  14. I've been to dangerous places. I doubt you've lived in a state/country as dangerous as I have.

    But like I said, I'd consider it.
  15. Ill go if I had a lift [​IMG]
  16. I'd go if they gave out free cookies and apple juice 
  17. No no the cookies are mine...
  18. Apple juice with some alcohol in it, then maybe.
  19.  Can we do it in like 2 weeks, cause ill be there on vacation already. 

     It'd be fun to meet up with people I think. 
  20. I'd hitchhike my way to Vegas. 
    First I'll have to cross the border. 