I don't agree with it. It's a warring game. This game is getting more ridiculous by the minute. What next ?? Afternoon Tea? Don't you think out guys get enough handed out to you. By having parties? God I miss the old days of pimd
The bank isn't made to be a revenue tool, it's to hide your money If this happens you're going to get a bunch of noobs who bank there money then withdraw it after an hour because they want it now and they just keep losing more money
Thinking about it wont this just encourage ppl to go inactive for a few months while there interest stacks money for them?
It seems pretty cool, but then everyone would keep money in the bank and there'd be no point attacking and etc. (Probably already been said a lot, but I'm too lazy to read back now. xD)
Did anyone run the calculations? After only two months with a weekly 3% increase, assuming nothing was withdrawn, one would start seeing profits. Example with a 1T deposit: -20% = 800b Week1 = 824b Week8 = 1.013T Week20 = 1.445T Week30 = 1.941T Week52 = 3.720T 2Years = 17.304T After a whopping 3 years = 80.481T I've been playing for over 2 years, so if you think ppl won't play that long you'd be mistaken. Side note: I know I've lost some math skills since finishing school but I'm pretty sure these numbers are correct. I used Excel and everything! ️ Please correct me if I'm mistaken!!!
I do not agree with. Pls refer to pimd history... What bank has been made for and in which situation. Taking off the meaning of it, by putting interest is like taking off one of the basic of game. It's a war game -.- it's not a bear game everyone party happy to get easy money and ug. Damn work for !?
I do not support for these reasons: 1. Pimd does not hand out loans they have no reason to encourage us to use the bank. 2. Pimd is a war game. There should be a penalty for keeping your money safe. 3. No other aspect of this game encourages giving money for nothing(except Dv's but good luck finding someone to give you money without putting work in yourself) it's not an ideal that should be encouraged in my opinion. 4. Bank alts are rich enough! That's who this would benefit most 5. Inactives will be able to make money. If they don't play why make them money?
I agree with Mary the game is more fun if you have a reason to make your money back. If this was to be created, people would get bored and have little reason to farm
Sleepy~ I mean, support. But I think it should only be .07-2% interest. Plus they should put a limit (maybe until they get half or the whole 20% they lost, this way, they just really are saving money) when that limit is reached, no interest will be added. So if they would want to gain those interests again, then they should withdraw the money then deposit another set of money whereas they will lose another 20%. As the one from the other page said, ATA may let the players use EC to expand the limit of their banks, with this, ATA can earn since people would want to buy EC to expand their banks. Opposed to someone who said that noobs would deposit then withdraw after a few hours, well, surely they're wise enough to know that they'll just waste the 20% taken from them if they do that. Okay, thank you if you've read this whole post of mine. x)
But why do you support? Not how do you think it should be run. I still fail to see any reason to support other than greed. Please help me see an up side to this! I feel like Debbie Downer here I'm trying to understand!