PimD Bank Idea

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -T_L-Emoji, Dec 25, 2013.

  1. I like the idea
  2. Definitely support 
  3. I think that's a good idea like really their isn't any use for the bank if it just takes money away from a person
  4. Please continue to support an voice your opinions on this thread the more people the better chance we have of making this happen when the devs see it
  5. SUPPORT 100%
  6. How is a secure place to hold money not worth it? Granted you lose 20% but no one can take that money away from you. Shrug, i think the bank idea is fine as is, too many people have billions/trillions of dollars, the interest rate would have to be way lower than 3%, maybe .02 or nothing at all.
  7. Why would intrest rate be .02 you'd be making no cash.The new Bank would be the same accept you'd be accumulating money not completely losing it
  8. Deadly how about it scales on how much money you put in it??
  9. Support
  10. I'm one of the few it seems that leaves money in the bank for a rain day
  11. ? I Support