I would become an ff PWAR cow, drop all my tuts, bank, and let interest do my work. Bad idea, encourages laziness in people like me
See how it's all lower stats or people who are newer to the game who agree to it? And older players disagree.....ATA has made this game so easy now that new players just want to grab at anything that makes their life easier..... Whilst older players want it harder....not all old players are like that tho, some have agreed to this lazy idea, and some new players have disagreed, but majority is like that.
The idea itself is good but i dont think they will approve this for it makes people earn while inactive, what i mean to say is some players will turn inactive for months and come back with more cash xD
Okay. Firstly honey, doing jobs says nothin about how long you played because Lois completed all his jobs when he was T5 bc while I completed all of mine at 120 KCS and we all know Lois is old as shit and I'm well not. Lol just had to point that out as I still make fun of him for it. Secondly, the game is changing. We are in a new age of parties and the funniest thing is most of us feed into it. Does anyone besides a few select really war anymore? Nope. Everyone parties because they're fast and you can do them quickly unlike war which takes a ridiculous amount of time. Also they implement scavenger items in the parties. I disagree with the bank idea. It's lazy. It makes absolutely no sense to me to make money by keeping it in the bank. At least with pwar you have to hit someone, at least with ec you have to work for that money or beg your mummy or daddy whichever you prefer, and at least for parties and pro parties you have to at least hit it. You're talking about making money by doing absolutely nothing other then keeping it in the bank. And anyways we already have a interest way of storing and earning money, learn the tutor market, buy a few tutors once those tutors are hired WHAM you've made money see how that works? And then you have to actually work for it. The bank idea makes barely any sense to me seems like a good idea once you hear it but would ruin the game in practice.
Oh and VIP, I beg of you bring out your main you keep saying you have please ️ It would brighten my day.
I like the bank idea personally, only if it's .01% That way it doesn't encourage laziness because you really wouldn't be making money from it. I joined pimd when wars were everywhere, but I'm the type of person who enjoys a party occasionally. Yes, I would love it if we had a lot more wars, but times are changing. You can't blame ata for changing anything because it's what keeps the game interesting. If they didn't come out with all the new parties and what not pimd wouldn't have as many players as we do now. You can either agree with it or disagree with it, but that's just my opinion on that. Either or, pimd's changing and you can't stop that.
A lot of these new players have high stats so instead of doing jobs n partys they pay pimd to get money to upgrade fast so when they don't have real money anymore they beg to get vollied n so they can get free money that's where the slacking starts I'm an old player emoji u my homie but I have to agree with some of the players here who r against it it was harder bk then but now its easy for a club it was 300000000 now 200000000 nothing needs to b changed just work hard for it like we always did.old school in the house again lol.